Press visit of two Italian journalists in Ethiopia

L’obiettivo del viaggio è stato quello di conoscere l’impegno che l’AICS profonde nel paese attraverso visite ai progetti finanziati da questa sede e interviste ai beneficiari diretti delle attività condotte grazie ai fondi messi a disposizione dall’Agenzia.


20 May 2019

Reading time:

1 min

On 6-11 May 2019, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) – Addis Ababa Office welcome two journalists, Laura Aprati, author of the program “Uno Mattina” broadcasted every morning on the Italian State Television Rai Uno, and Marco Bova, who collaborates with the Agenzia Giornalistica Italia (AGI).

The objective of the visit was to learn more about the commitment of this Agency to the development of the country by visiting the places where the AICS-funded projects are implemented, and by meeting the beneficiaries of the activities carried out thanks to the financial support of this Agency.

Following the press visit, a video about some of the project funded by AICS, and seen by the journalists, was broadcasted on the Italian State Television Rai Uno during the program “Uno Mattina” at the presence of Sergio Pagano, Vice Director-General for the Development Coopetation at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Pietro Piccinetti, CEO and Managing Direct at Fiera di Roma, where the first expo of international cooperation took place on 15-17 May 2019, and in which this office participated.

Last update: 03/02/2025, 15:49

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