Ethiopia: Results and Perspectives towards the 2030 Agenda Realization at the Festival for Sustainable Development

The Embassy of Italy in Ethiopia and AICS Addis Ababa take part in the Festival for Sustainable Development (Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile), this year held online from the 22nd of September to the 8th of October. The Festival is the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, Private and Public Sector on the topic of economic, social, and environmental […]


1 October 2020

Reading time:

2 min

The Embassy of Italy in Ethiopia and AICS Addis Ababa take part in the Festival for Sustainable Development (Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile), this year held online from the 22nd of September to the 8th of October.

The Festival is the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, Private and Public Sector on the topic of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The Festival also aims at achieving a cultural and political change that can allow Italy to implement the 2030 Agenda of the UN and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As part of the Festival, AICS Addis Ababa and the Embassy of Italy in Ethiopia organized a webinar entitled: Ethiopia: Results and Perspectives towards the 2030 Agenda Realization” that will take place on the online platform Zoom on Tuesday 6th October morning from 10.00 to 11.30 am (CET).

The webinar will focus on the status of the achievement of the 2030 Agenda’s objectives in Ethiopia, and it will also aim at sharing appropriate reflections and ideas for the future.

During the first part of the webinar, AICS’ implementing partners – from Government Institutions, UN, and the Civil Society – will present initiatives in the Health, WASH, and Industrial Development sectors explaining how their projects aim at achieving targets and related SDGs.

The speakers will intervene on behalf of:

  1. the Ethio-International Footwear Cluster Cooperative Society (EIFCCOS), UNIDO, and the Italian CSO Comunità Volontari per il Mondo (CVM) to present their intervention in the leather sector;
  2. the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, the Bruno Kessler FoundationIT Without Borders, the Italian CSO Doctors with Africa CUAMM, and the Woreda Health Office of Wolisso to present the “SurvEthi” Project aimed at improving the epidemiological surveillance in the targeted area;
  3. the Water Resources Development Fund (WRDF) to present the “Urban Wash” programme.

A debate on SDGs will follow and it will be facilitated by AICS Addis Ababa’s staff. The debate will see the speakers, the Partners CSOs, and the participants as protagonists. The webinar will not only aim at understanding where we are in achieving the SDGs, but also to share important considerations and innovative ideas.

Download the webinar’s agenda here.

Participate on Zoom, follow this link.
Meeting ID: 998 0892 7693
Passcode: 022361

The webinar is open to 100 participants only. Who can’t participate live will be able to watch the video recording that we will upload on our YouTube channel.

Download the slides of the event here and find the video recording on our YouTube channel here.


Last update: 03/02/2025, 16:06

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