
The Government of Ethiopia recognizing the direct impact of nutrition on the nation’s economic advancement and that addressing malnutrition is essential to achieving sustainable development, it brings the value of nutrition to the forefront of all its development agenda  by demonstrating a strong political commitment through the launch of the multisectoral National Nutrition Strategy (NNS) in 2008, […]

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The Government of Ethiopia recognizing the direct impact of nutrition on the nation’s economic advancement and that addressing malnutrition is essential to achieving sustainable development, it brings the value of nutrition to the forefront of all its development agenda  by demonstrating a strong political commitment through the launch of the multisectoral National Nutrition Strategy (NNS) in 2008, now being implemented through the multisectoral National Nutrition Programme 2015-2020 (NNP II), the launch of the National Food and Nutrition Policy and the signature of the Seqota Declaration, which commits different sectors to reduce stunting to 0% by 2030 . In addition, the Government has made strong commitments to mainstream nutrition in its flagship programmes such as the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) and the Agriculture Growth Programme II (AGP II).

In light of this, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, recognizing the multisectoral nature of nutrition and the importance of leveraging relevant sectors, contributes in the fight against malnutrition by mainstreaming nutrition across its relevant sectors by setting explicit nutrition objectives/goals, targeting vulnerable population groups, measuring contribution to nutritional impact throughout programs and considering gender equity. Moreover, AICS intervenes also in nutrition in humanitarian and emergency contexts.

Our initiatives

  • Inclusive and Sustainable Value Chain Development in Oromia;
  • Establishing Moringa based economic development program to improve the livelihood of rural women of Ethiopia (phase I) and Improved Rural Livelihoods through Support to Moringa Value Chain Development in SNNPR- Ethiopia (phase 2);
  • Policy Support on Public Food Procurement for Government-led Home Grown School Food Initiatives;
  • Improved access to sanitation and hygiene services in Addis Ababa.

Last update: 22/02/2024, 14:29