Inauguration of the maternity ward of the Teaching Hospital in Wau, implemented by the NGO Aispo, in collaboration with Vides.
In addition to the rehabilitation of the hospital, the project will also provide basic health services, medical equipment, drugs, and vocational training to staff.
In South Sudan, maternal mortality is one of the highest in the world with 789 women dying for every 100,000 births. Only 14.7% of women receive skilled birth attendance.
Hemorrhage, infections, pre-existing medical conditions, complications related to abortions performed under unsafe conditions are the main causes of maternal death, which are preventable and treatable with access to quality health care.
One of the goals of the third SDG “Ensuring health and well-being for all, at all ages” is to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030.
Through its contribution to Aispo, AICS continues to support maternal and child health in South Sudan, where the health system is still very fragile and dependent on international aid.