Awareness campaigns and prevention are essential to stop the spread of the Covid-19 in Ethiopia and in the rest of the world.
In Bale Zone, COOPI started raising awareness and prevention activities among the beneficiary communities of the project “Emergency initiative for vulnerable returnee and potential migrant populations to mitigate the causes of irregular migration in Bale, Arsi and Western Arsi Zones of Oromia region” funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) – Addis Abeba Office.
What is coronavirus? How is it transmitted and how can the transmission be prevented? This is the basic information being spread, both directly and through community ambassadors who are in charge of disseminating the knowledge in each village.
Village committees received disinfectant, soap and sanitizer, and public handwashing facilities have been installed.
Participants at the WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) training, have become themselves spokespersons to raise awareness in the communities.
These activities have been possible thanks to existing funds that have been reoriented to the purpose, as in the case of the Personal Protective Equipment distribution through UNAIDS. During a global pandemic, in fact, it is more important than ever to protect people’s health everywhere: in Italy, Ethiopia, and the rest of the world, in order to protect the common good and everyone’s future!