Last week the staff of the Addis Ababa Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation carried out a mission to monitor the activities of the project “Emergency initiative to support South Sudanese refugees and displaced persons, victims of the humanitarian crisis, and their hosting communities” (RISE) financed by the Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo and implemented by AVSI, ACAV Trento and Amref Health Africa in Uganda.
During the mission, the staff was able to evaluate some of the results achieved in terms of food security, health, livelihood and protection and inclusion of minors:
- The delivery of more than 6.000 birth certificates to refugee children and hosting communities;
- The rehabilitation of 20 hand pump for the hosting communities;
- The creation of 2 irrigated demonstration gardens which allow groups of local and refugee farmers to learn production techniques to replicate in their domestic garden;
- The creation of systems for the collection of rain water (water jackets) and of foot pumps connected to them to irrigate the demonstration gardens also during the dry season;
The creation of 2 big production gardens irrigated with a mechanized pump driven by solar energy, to promote livelihood strategies based on selling products at local markets.
In addition, thanks to the project, over 20.000 medical consultations have been carried out for the refugees.
In the coming months, more activities will be carried out to strengthen the results and the impact achieved so far through the increase of water sources available, of the agricultural production and the supply of basic health services.