The key components of the path to ensuring social justice
AICS together with VIDES carries out 3 projects in South Sudan to promote Social Justice. Food production and processing, the sale of such in local markets, economic empowerment for women’s groups, peacebuilding through dialogue with community leaders, and the construction of wells in villages in rural areas are just some of the activities these initiatives […]
Italian Cooperation Mission to Djibouti
The Ambassador of Italy, Agostino Palese, and the Head of the AICS office in Addis Ababa, Isabella Lucaferri, recently concluded a mission to Djibouti. Among the activities, they visited the maternal and child health unit of the Cheiko Hospital in Balbalà, one of the capital’s poorest and most populated areas. The Italian support to the […]
Closing event of the HOPE project
On September 15, the closing event of the project “HOPE, promoting social cohesion in Ethiopia: Opportunities, Protection and Employment for Returnees, Minors and Potential Migrants” (11548/ETH/01) took place. The project is funded under the “Emergency Initiative to Fight against Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Migrants and Support the Reintegration of Returnees.” The project has been […]
Newborn Survival Project – Final results dissemination workshop
On the 16th and 17th of September, the final results dissemination workshop of the Newborn Survival Project took place. The Newborn Survival Project: quality and innovation for an increased access to neonatal care in Ethiopia started in June 2018 and is coming to its end in September 2021. The project’s overall objective has been to […]
Italy and Ethiopia signed the implementing agreements related to two projects concerning Women Entrepreneurship
In July, the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia signed the implementing agreements related to two initiatives within the Ethio-Italian Cooperation Country Framework. On the 1st of July, 2021, H.E. Arturo Luzzi, the Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia, and H.E. Yasmin Wohabrebbi, the State Minister of […]
Presentation of the Rural WASH project in Oromia
On Friday, August 13, the launching event of the Rural WASH project in Oromia took place. The initiative aims to improve drinking water and sanitation access in 3 Woredas located in the South West Shewa Zone of the Oromia region, in Ethiopia. The project’s main components are the construction and renovation of 20 rural aqueducts […]
Lo sviluppo del rapporto tra cooperative agricole e sistema agro-industriale in Etiopia
Addis Abeba, 15 giugno 2021: La sede AICS di Addis Abeba assieme all’Ufficio delle Finanze e della Cooperazione Economica (BoFEC) della regione Oromia, ha organizzato il seminario conclusivo del progetto finanziato dall’AICS: “Sviluppo Inclusivo e Sostenibile delle Filiere Agricole in Oromia – ISVCDO”. L’occasione è stata utile per sintetizzare e diffondere i risultati raggiunti, le buone […]
Unite Against NCDs: online the proceedings report from the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and AICS Addis Ababa workshop
We publish the proceedings report of “The Double Burden of Diseases and Challenges on Service Provision and Integration in Ethiopia: Evidence Generated from Different Experiences” workshop organized by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and AICS Addis Ababa on 26 and 27 February 2020. The two-day workshop saw the participation of 56 attendants and 17 experts from […]
Ethiopia: Results and Perspectives towards the 2030 Agenda Realization at the Festival for Sustainable Development
The Embassy of Italy in Ethiopia and AICS Addis Ababa take part in the Festival for Sustainable Development (Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile), this year held online from the 22nd of September to the 8th of October. The Festival is the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, Private and Public Sector on the topic of economic, social, and environmental […]
The Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Signed an Implementing Agreement on Rural WASH in Oromia
On 09th of September, H.E. Arturo Luzzi, the Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia, and H.E. Yasmin Wohabrebbi, the State Minister of Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia signed in Addis Ababa the bilateral agreement for the implementation of the “Rural Wash in Oromia” project. The agreement was also signed by Mr. Fabio Melloni, Head ad interim of AICS Addis […]