SHILL Project Results’ Restitution from Amhara and SNNP Regions
La Cooperazione Italiana si è impegnata con un credito d’aiuto di 5 milioni di euro, 3 milioni dei quali sono già stati erogati. L’AICS, attraverso il suo ufficio nella capitale Addis Abeba, fornisce assistenza tecnica, il monitoraggio e la valutazione del progetto.
100% Plastic, project for the safeguard of the environment and the creation of social and economic value in Awassa: the final conference tells its history and results
On the 15th of July, Centro Internazionale per l’Infanzia e la Famiglia (CIFA) live-streamed the final conference on the project “100% Plastic – Development of the collection and recycling of plastic waste industry in Awassa”, with an overall value of 1 Million and 300 thousand Euro, 75% co-financed by AICS. Italian and Ethiopian institutions involved, non-profit […]
AICS Addis Abeba together with Arba Minch Correctional Institution for COVID-19 prevention
Personal Protective Equipment for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 has been delivered to Arba Minch Correctional Institution, thanks to the redirect of 12,800 Euro from existing resources by the Italian Government. Disposable and fabric reusable masks, hand sanitizers, surface disinfecting detergent for common areas, infrared thermometers for the clinic, gloves, soaps, and sanitary pads are […]
AICS Addis Abeba’s WASH Energy & Environment sector contributes to the COVID-19 fight
AICS Addis Abeba’s WASH Energy & Environment sector redirected 20,000 EUR to the fight of COVID-19 in Ethiopia. Every little contribution counts! With the AICS AA funds, the Water Development Commission of the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE), procured, distributed, and installed: 2 immersion pumps, pipes, and fittings for the quarantine centres in […]
Italian and Ethiopian experts shared knowledge on Mental Health during Covid-19 Emergency
“Mental Health services are an essential part of all government responses to COVID-19”, as António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations stated only a few days ago. In line and complied with above, on 27th of May, AICS Addis Abeba offered technical assistance during a virtual meeting of the TWG MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support), part of […]
The awareness campaign and the prevention activities by COOPI in Bale Zone to stop the spread of Covid-19
Awareness campaigns and prevention are essential to stop the spread of the Covid-19 in Ethiopia and in the rest of the world. In Bale Zone, COOPI started raising awareness and prevention activities among the beneficiary communities of the project “Emergency initiative for vulnerable returnee and potential migrant populations to mitigate the causes of irregular migration in Bale, […]
AICS Addis Abeba redirects some existing funds to meet new needs arose from Covid19 emergency
Thanks to the support of AICS Addis Abeba, UNAIDS Ethiopia delivered Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for COVID19 to two different CSOs that work with people living with HIV: the Network of networks of HIV positives in Ethiopia (NEP+) and the National Network of Positive Women in Ethiopia (NNPWE). Disposable gloves, face masks, hand sanitizers, and hand […]
Italy has been recognized by IFC for the valuable role in the development of the Private Sector in Ethiopia
On 25th of February, Italy has been recognized by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for its contribution to the development of the private sector in Ethiopia, in particular for its leading role in the Multi Donor Initiative (MDI) focused on two main pillars: investment climate and access to finance. The recognition reception has taken place in Hyatt Regency Hotel […]
AICS Addis Abeba participated to the International Coffee Conference, Exhibition & Festival 2020
On the 06th of February, AICS Addis Abeba participated to the opening cerimony of the International Coffee Conference, Exhibition and Festival 2020 organized by the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture. During the event, Adugna Debela (Ph.D.), Director-General of Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA), officially launched the new Ethiopian Coffee Brand Logo which represents […]
The Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Signed Five Implementing Agreements
Today, 05th March, the Ambassador of Italy H.E. Arturo Luzzi and the Deputy Minister of Finance of Ethiopia H.E. Admasu Nebebe signed at the Ministry of Finance in Addis Ababa five bilateral agreements concerning technical and financial assistance for a total amount of 28.7 Million Euros. The signing ceremony has also been attended by Mr. Tiberio Chiari, […]